var _____WB$wombat$assign$function_____ = function(name) {return (self._wb_wombat && self._wb_wombat.local_init && self._wb_wombat.local_init(name)) || self[name]; }; if (!self.__WB_pmw) { self.__WB_pmw = function(obj) { this.__WB_source = obj; return this; } } { let window = _____WB$wombat$assign$function_____("window"); let self = _____WB$wombat$assign$function_____("self"); let document = _____WB$wombat$assign$function_____("document"); let location = _____WB$wombat$assign$function_____("location"); let top = _____WB$wombat$assign$function_____("top"); let parent = _____WB$wombat$assign$function_____("parent"); let frames = _____WB$wombat$assign$function_____("frames"); let opener = _____WB$wombat$assign$function_____("opener"); ! function(t) { var e = function(t) { var e = ["webkit", "Moz", "o", "ms"], n = ""; for (var i in e) if (n = e[i] + "Transition", void 0 !==[n]) return "-" + e[i].toLowerCase() + "-" } (document.createElement(n)), n = function() { function n(e, n) { this.settings = t.extend(!0, t.fn.PageSwitch.defaults, n || {}), this.element = e, this.init() } return n.prototype = { init: function() { var t = this; t.selectors = t.settings.selectors, t.sections = t.element.find(t.selectors.sections), t.section = t.element.find(t.selectors.section), t.direction = "vertical" == t.settings.direction, t.pagesCount = t.getPagesCount(), t.index = t.settings.index >= 0 && t.settings.index < t.pagesCount ? t.settings.index: 0, t.canScroll = !0, t.direction || t._initLayout(), t.settings.autoPlay && (t.settings.loop = !0, t.timer = null, t._autoPlay()), t.settings.pagination && t._initPaging() }, getPagesCount: function() { return this.section.length }, switchLength: function() { return this.direction ? this.element.height() : this.element.width() }, _autoPlay: function() { function t() { e.timer = setTimeout(function() {, t() }, e.settings.interval) } var e = this; t() }, _stopPlay: function() { clearTimeout(this.timer) }, _initLayout: function() { var t = this, e = 100 * t.pagesCount + "%", n = (100 / t.pagesCount).toFixed(4) + "%"; t.sections.width(e), t.section.width(n).css("float", "left") }, _initPaging: function() { var t = this, e = t.selectors.pages.substring(1); t.activeClass =; for (var n = "", t.element.append(n); var s = t.element.find(t.selectors.pages); t.pageItem = s.find("li"), t.pageItem.eq(t.index).addClass(t.activeClass), t.direction ? s.addClass("vertical") : s.addClass("horizontal"), t._initEvent() }, _initEvent: function() { var e = this; e.element.on("click", e.selectors.pages + " li", function() { e.index = t(this).index(), e._scrollPage() }), e.element.on("mouseover", e.selectors.pages + " li", function() { e._stopPlay() }), e.element.on("mouseout", e.selectors.pages + " li", function() { e._autoPlay() }), e.element.on("mousewheel DOMMouseScroll", function(t) { if (e.canScroll) { var n = t.originalEvent.wheelDelta || -t.originalEvent.detail; n > 0 && (e.index && !e.settings.loop || e.settings.loop) ? e.prev() : n < 0 && (e.index < e.pagesCount - 1 && !e.settings.loop || e.settings.loop) && } }), e.settings.keyboard && t(window).on("keydown", function(t) { var n = t.keyCode; 37 == n || 38 == n ? e.prev() : 39 != n && 40 != n || }), t(window).resize(function() { var t = e.switchLength(), n = e.settings.direction ? e.section.eq(e.index).offset().top: e.section.eq(e.index).offset().left; Math.abs(n) > t / 2 && e.index < e.pagesCount - 1 && e.index++, e.index && e._scrollPage() }), e.sections.on("transitionend webkitTransitionEnd oTransitionEnd otransitionend", function() { e.canScroll = !0, e.settings.callback && "function" === t.type(e.settings.callback) && e.settings.callback() }) }, prev: function() { var t = this; t.index > 0 ? t.index--:t.settings.loop && (t.index = t.pagesCount - 1), t._scrollPage() }, next: function() { var t = this; t.index < t.pagesCount - 1 ? t.index++:t.settings.loop && (t.index = 0), t._scrollPage() }, _scrollPage: function() { var n = this, i = n.section.eq(n.index).position(); if (i) { if (n.canScroll = !1, e) { n.sections.css(e + "transition", "all " + n.settings.duration + "ms " + n.settings.easing); var s = n.direction ? "translateY(-" + + "px)": "translateX(-" + i.left + "px)"; n.sections.css(e + "transform", s) } else { var o = n.direction ? { top: }: { left: -i.left }; n.sections.animate(o, n.settings.duration, function() { n.canScroll = !0, n.settings.callback && "function" === t.type(n.settings.callback) && n.settings.callback() }) } n.settings.pagination && n.pageItem.eq(n.index).addClass(n.activeClass).siblings("li").removeClass(n.activeClass) } } }, n } (); t.fn.PageSwitch = function(e) { return this.each(function() { var i = t(this), s ="PageSwitch"); if (s || (s = new n(i, e),"PageSwitch", s)), "string" === t.type(e)) return s[e]() }) }, t.fn.PageSwitch.defaults = { selectors: { sections: ".banner", section: ".tupian", pages: ".pages", active: ".active" }, index: 0, easing: "ease", duration: 500, loop: !1, pagination: !0, keyboard: !0, direction: "vertical", autoPlay: !0, interval: 3e3, callback: "" }, t(function() { t("[data-PageSwitch]").PageSwitch() }) } (jQuery); $(function(){ $("#lunbo").PageSwitch({ direction:'horizontal', easing:'ease-in', duration:1000, autoPlay:true, loop:'false' }); }) } /* FILE ARCHIVED ON 05:12:08 Aug 27, 2022 AND RETRIEVED FROM THE INTERNET ARCHIVE ON 17:55:23 Mar 13, 2025. 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